Getting Started
npx create-sonicjs-app
The above script will automatically rename /wrangler.example.toml
to /wrangler.toml
and update the 4 required Cloudfalre values:
compatibility_date = "2023-05-18"
name = "sonicjs"
workers_dev = true
main = "src/server.ts"
# Enter your account id
# This can be found at --> Workers & Pages
# --> Overview, then in the right sidebar
account_id = "?????"
# Run the `wrangler kv:namespace create sonicjs` command and copy the id below
# Run the `wrangler kv:namespace create sonicjs --preview` command and copy the preview_id below
# Only update the preview_id and id, leave the binding name as "KVDATA"
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "KVDATA", preview_id="?????", id = "?????" }
# Run the `wrangler d1 create sonicjs` command and copy the id below
binding = "D1DATA"
database_name = "sonicjs"
database_id = "?????"
One last step; we need to run the migration scripts to create our database tables:
npm run up
Now you are ready to fire up SonicJs!
npm run dev
This will run the server locally on port 8788:
Should you have any issues with the initial setup using the npx script, please see the manual installation instructions
Need Help?
Please don't hesitate to open an issue if you need any additional assistance:
Next Steps
The next thing you will want to do is define your database table(s) and read up on SonicJs's built in caching and persistence layers.